The Tsawout flapper gate, February 4 2014
In 2011 it was found the Tsawout flapper gate had been jammed in an open position for many years which allowed sea water to flow back up the drainage ditch on the Tsawout property and flooded their flat lands and also flooded Puckle Farm with this salt water. This flooding created huge breeding pools of salt water for the summer salt marsh mosquito, on both Puckle Farm and the Tsawout flats.
Repairs were undertaken to the flapper gate in 2012 and again in 2013.
The repairs were an improvement but as the video below shows the flapper gate is still not fixed and as of February 4, 2014, the sea water is still passing through in a significant volume. This sea water still passes back up the Tsawout ditch system, still contributing to breeding grounds for the summer salt marsh mosquito.